Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Who is the "Holy Spirit"? What is dunamis?

 “I have much more to say to you. It is more than you can handle right now. But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own. He will speak only what he hears. And he will tell you what is still going to happen. He will bring me glory. That’s because what he receives from me he will show to you. Everything that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said what the Holy Spirit receives from me he will show to you. (John 16:12-15)

Many people profess to know Jesus Christ. Many more express a knowledge of God. However, we do not hear many talk about the Holy Spirit and Who He is or what He does! Perhaps that is why many of us fall short so often and why we seem so much like the world! 

It is the Holy Spirit that convicts us, directs us and instructs us as to living a Christ-honoring life. Without Him we have no power! (Acts 1:8) The Holy Spirit spurs us to share the Gospel in ways in which we may be a bit uncomfortable. He speaks for us when we do not know what to say. He comforts us when we have no more strength to go forward. He is present within us when no one else is around. 

The Greek word for power is dunamisWhen the Bible uses the word dunamis, it never refers to our strength or ability but rather to His power through us. It is His power alone that keeps us, while forming our character as we glorify Him. This is Who the Holy Spirit is!

Do YOU know Him? Are YOU filled with His POWER?

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

We should become more loving, more caring, more giving, more sacrificial . . .

 They sent their followers to him. They sent the Herodians with them. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you are a man of honor. You teach the way of God truthfully. You don’t let others tell you what to do or say. You don’t care how important they are. (Matthew 22:16)

 My summer school students are studying the Model Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15) and The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-11). I am attempting to get them to see the value of prayer and character development. I then thought about you and me . . .

Many of us consider ourselves maturing adults in the faith, yet do we really value our prayer life? Do we ever wonder how our prayer life impacts our character? The more time we spend with God, the more like Him we should become . .. right?

As we spend time with a loving, gracious, forgiving and caring God, we should become more loving, more caring, more giving, more sacrificial and the like. But do we? Are we?

Perhaps, if you are like me, prayer sometimes becomes ritualistic and mundane. We (I) do not really cherish sitting with Creator God and loving Father as I pray. If I want others to see and experience Christ in me, I have to be more like Him, which requires me to let Him mold me. I think of how Moses looked when he came down from the mountain . . . reflecting the glory of God so intensely that his face had to be shielded!

Do I reflect His glory? Can others see Christ in me and want some of Him? 

Monday, June 28, 2021

How to Pray?

 When you pray, do not keep talking on and on. That is what ungodly people do. They think they will be heard because they talk a lot. Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need even before you ask him.“ This is how you should pray. . . . . (Matthew 6:7-9)

We all have heard the passages from Matthew 6 called the "Lord's Prayer". May I suggest reading John 17 if you really want to hear the Lord pray! These verses in Matthew 6 are actually Jesus sharing with us HOW to pray!

We are not to repeat seminarian words, drag our prayers out, or even speak in a churchy voice. God wants us to be honest, heart-felt, and real. Our Father wants to know our inner most fears and desires. Yes, we should pray scriptures back to God (His words anyway) but not simply to let everyone know we have memorized them!

Just talk to Abba Father . . . share your emotions, joys, needs, but most of your love 💗 for Him! He is God! He is Provider! He is Healer! He is All and All in All! He is our Father!!!!

Let's pray with hearts lifted to God and exposed to God as was Jesus' heart in John 17. (

How do you pray????



Thursday, June 24, 2021

Sometimes we just do not know how to pray!


  In the same way, the Holy Spirit helps us when we are weak. We don’t know what we should pray for. But the Spirit himself prays for us. He prays through groans too deep for words.  God, who looks into our hearts, knows the mind of the Spirit. And the Spirit prays for God’s people just as God wants him to pray. (Romans 8:26-27)

Sometimes we just do not know how to pray, especially when it comes to others needs and desires. While we know ourselves and our dreams, shortcomings, plans and the like, when it comes to others, we simply have to go on what they say. 

  • Are they being honest? 
  • Are they living right before God?  
  • Do they really need what they are asking for . . . is it God's will? 

We can also ask ourselves these questions when it comes to our personal prayers, can't we?

Read the passages from Romans 8: 26-27 again. It's ok to not know how or what to pray! The Holy Spirit steps in and prays for us. Is that not cool? He searches our hearts and finds the right words that we need to communicate to God the Father. He can even make us aware of things we did not even know existed! 

It is comforting to know we have a Father who knows everything about us and everyone else. It is also good to know He cares deeply for us all. He simply wants us to spend time with Him!

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

"Just why am I here?"

WARNING!!!! Before you read today's blog, take a moment and pray for our young people. They are facing many challenges in today's world and many have no where to turn at home or in their community. My prayer is that they and we as well, all turn to Jesus!

God’s grace has saved you because of your faith in Christ. Your salvation doesn’t come from anything you do. It is God’s gift. It is not based on anything you have done. No one can brag about earning it. We are God’s creation. He created us to belong to Christ Jesus. Now we can do good works. Long ago God prepared these works for us to do. (Ephesians 2:8-10)


Ever task yourself some of these questions: "Just why am I here?"  "Why am I in this family . . . at this school. . . . at this job? "What am supposed to be doing? Who really cares about what I am doing"? "Does it really matter"?

Well, we all have asked these questions at various parts of our lives . . . perhaps even today!  The real answers lies with God . . . not people! 

He placed us just where we are in life. He created us to be right here, right now. Our very simple role in life is to please God with all we do. God cares deeply for each of us and everything and everyone matters to Him!

No matter our age, gender (yes, male or female, He has made us!), zip code or abilities, we were created to please God and God alone. If we make others happy or proud along the way, good. If others do not understand us . . . it's ok. 

Life as a CHRISTian is really very simple: Love God . . . Love people! (

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Do we pray knowing God hears and will answer?

I would love to read some comments from those who actually read the blogs. Feel go to the link below or comment in the comment section.  Let's have some healthy conversation @ https:/



If any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He will give it to you. God gives freely to everyone and doesn’t find fault. But when you ask, you must believe. You must not doubt. That’s because a person who doubts is like a wave of the sea. The wind blows and tosses them around. They shouldn’t expect to receive anything from the Lord. This kind of person can’t make up their mind. They can never decide what to do. (James 1:5-8)

Many of us pray . . .especially when we are challenged, hurting, in need and not sure what to do. Some of us even pray when all is well, knowing all good things come from God. However, do we pray knowing God hears and will answer?

Above all else, God knows all the answers! So when in doubt, we are reminded to ask God. He loves to share with His children. Many times, however, we think we can handle things on our own . . . until we find ourselves in a bind! Why not ask before we venture out?

There is another key to seeking God's will: trust. Do we pray knowing God hears and will answer? I don't know about you, but with me, I know He hears, but I am working on trusting His answers . . . especially when I have to wait!

What about you?

Are we willing to wait on God and then accept His answers?

Monday, June 21, 2021

For whom we are working . . . .


 “The workers who were hired about five o’clock came. Each received the usual day’s pay. So when those who were hired first came, they expected to receive more. But each of them also received the usual day’s pay.  When they received it, they began to complain about the owner.  ‘These people who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said. ‘You have paid them the same as us. We have done most of the work and have been in the hot sun all day.’ (Matthew 20: 9-12)

Oh, I know life is not fair! Some seem to work and grind day after day, year after year and seem to get no where fast. Others seem to simply sit back and watch there riches multiply by the hour! Yet the answer lies is why we are working and for whom we are working, not merely how much we are earning!

You see, like the workers in the passage above, some seem to be getting over easy in life while many of us see no relief in sight. Day after day we labor, maybe not in the hot sun, but behind a desk, early mornings, late nights, frustrating assignments, even some challenging co-workers. All the while we hear and see others traveling the world, sailing on yachts, enjoying the best beaches with what seems like little work.

Well, what God has for them is for them! We simply need to realize we are working for more than just a paycheck . . . we are working to please the Lord and care for our loved ones.

Your labor is not in vain! (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Do not catch the LAZY BUG!

You lazy people, how long will you lie there? When will you get up from your sleep? You might sleep a little or take a little nap.
You might even fold your hands and rest. Then you would be poor, as if someone had robbed you. You would have little, as if someone had stolen from you. (Proverbs 6:9-11)


There is an illness that is going around and it very contagious!  No . . . it is not Covid-19 nor any of its variants. It is a bug however that many do not see coming . . . it creeps in and grows slowly over time from within the mind and body. It can be caught simply by observing others  . . . we do not even have to have contact with anyone. It can even be spread through the TV, social media, and video games. It has impact upon young and old alike, male and female. It is especially contagious in summer months . . . so beware!

What is it you might ask? Am I vulnerable to it? How can I prevent it? 

It is the LAZY BUG! We gradually begin to stay up late . . . sleep in longer . . . forget to exercise . . . eat poorly . . . lay around on the couch . . . especially in the hot, humid, summer months! You aren't showing signs of it are you?

How can we prevent catching this BUG??? . . . Get your rest . . . stay active . . . set a daily schedule . . . watch your diet . . . read God's Word daily . . . check your TV time and social media activity. 

It is time to be alert and be active. Soul are in the balance. Let's get up and get out!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Gather in summer . . .sleep in harvest?


He who has a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. He who gathers in summer is a wise son; He who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame. (Proverbs 10: 4-5)

Most folks believe summer is a time of rest, relaxation, and chill time. While rest and recreation are needed, summer is still not a time to do nothing. While I am a strong advocate of a  "work hard, play hard" philosophy, that does not mean we work hard all year and then play in the summer. It is a mix all year long!

Like sports, there is no off season for the Christ follower. We work to the glory of God and we play to His glory as well. ( do not vacation from His work. No labor for Christ is worthless. (1 Corinthians 15:58) Taking time off from God is like an athlete doing nothing during the off season . . . no lifting, no studying film, not dieting. He or she will regress and have much to make up for later when the season begins. 

We are admonished to keep gathering . . .keep harvesting . . .whether in summer of fall. We are constantly in a season of planting, watering, and gathering as believers. A harvest may occur at any moment! Yes, folks need to see us going to church. They need to know we are praying for them. They need to have us share with them when appropriate. Yet they are also watching and listening when we think they are not . . .like when we are playing, resting, vacationing . . .

Do not get caught sleeping on opportunity!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Do not be afraid!

 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

My wife and I can tell you stories of how this verse and a few others convinced us to leave our secular jobs and serve God full time in ministry through local and short-term missions. We heard His voice individually soon after our marriage when we pledged to serve Him as a family. 

Twenty-four years later, hundreds of salvation stories, thousands of people served, enriched by dozens of cultures, and blessed beyond measure by so many friends and supporters, we can honestly say this summer . . . Do not be afraid!

 can relate to biblical accounts of struggle, doubts, trials and failures. However, we can see where God has provided time and time again. Even during the most trying of times; saying "see you later" to precious family members, threatened foreclosures, children in need, and yes . . . even suffering through Covid-19 personally, our God has provided! He has gone through fire with us and parted waters on our behalf. He has moved mountains and helped us climb others. He has shut lions' mouths and opened locked doors. He is still Almighty, Jehovah Jirah, our Rock, our Fortress, our Abba Father!

Now that we are allowed to go out and travel once again more freely, we are saying,  "Here we are . . . send us!" (Isaiah 6:8) We cannot be afraid because of how God has provided in the past!

As my young student, now with the Lord would say . . . "Let's go!" 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Today we can decide to change the future!

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? (Isaiah 43:18-19)


For some, summer is a time to kick back and relax and just chill. For many of us however, summer may be a time to fix things from the year behind us. Some are taking classes to improve job opportunities. Others may be trying a new exercise routine to lose those Covid pounds. Others, like my summer school students, are making up for lost time . . . missed assignments . . . poor grades . . . even a last ditch effort to move on to the next grade level.

Whatever your goals for this summer, as with the Jews here in Isaiah's writings, we cannot change the past! It is what it is. However, today we can decide to change the future!

Isaiah reminds us today that we should learn from the past for sure, but do not dwell upon it. God wants to do a new thing! Do we want that new thing . . . new job . . . new relationship . . . new G.P.A.?

Here is an opportunity to renew things. God is willing to take us through if we will commit to follow His path. 

Today, we/you can decide to change the future! You ready????

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Some called...many send...please send us!

 As many of you know, we have been asked to serve in Puerto Rico July 31-Aug. 9. As believers, some are called to serve while the rest "send" and support. Please consider sending these challenging days we seek your support!

See our Facebook fundraiser or CashApp at $Carrollmission to support today!

 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, 

that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.

10 And in this I give advice: It is to your advantage not only to be doing what you began and were desiring to do a year ago; 11 but now you also must complete the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be a completion out of what you have. 12 For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have.

13 For I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened; 14 but by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may supply their lack, that their abundance also may supply your lack—that there may be equality. 15 As it is written, “He who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack.” (2 Corinthians 8:9-15)

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

How will they hear?

 “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? (Romans 10:13-14)

While we are not preachers, per se, we are missionaries. We were called some twenty-four years ago as a family to serve other families and their children whiles haring the Gospel in meeting needs such as food, clothing, educational needs, housing and spiritual mentoring. While we do not plant churches as those of biblical days and even today, we share the Gospel in action and then point new believers to local, already established churches. Currently we are coaching (mentoring) high school students and young adults concerning life choices with biblical advice and guidance. We have led hundreds to Christ through these efforts and even seen these young people go on to graduate from CHRISTian colleges, earn degrees, and most importantly start families of their own, following Godly principles. 

One of our greatest joys is leading short-term mission trips with our teens to serve local communities and churches who have suffered loss or are in need of assistance for a week or so out of our year. Teens have raised money for their trips and sacrificed Spring Breaks and Summer vacations to give to others. Some of these teens have been able to leave the DMV for the first time and even fly in an airplane away from their familiar surroundings. They have learned that they are blessed despite their own struggles. They were able to give back for the first time in their lives! 

We do not have a congregation, but one day, when we face the Lord, we will see all those He has allowed us to influence. To tis end, we have developed a relationship with the people of Puerto Rico and a few churches there. They have suffered greatly in the recent years from hurricanes, earthquakes and now Covid. While their spirit remains high, they are in need of personal touch, prayer, and yes, some physical repairs! While we cannot take any teens this year, we are asking you to please "send" us so the work may continue!

We are still in need of about $2000 for housing, food, and supplies for our adult team of three. You may donate at our Facebook fundraiser ( or CashApp @$Carrollmission.

God bless as you prays and give!  😇

Monday, June 7, 2021

Commanded to "go"!

 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

We are all commanded to reach others for Christ . . .whether personally or by supporting those that do. Not many realize the difficulties is raising support for mission work as well as family needs. Many of us have to work two-three jobs besides ministry in order to continue serving. 

However, YOU can change that by prayerfully supporting local missionaries (like us!) financially and thus joining God at work in sharing Christ, meeting physical needs, and adding to His Kingdom! We all cannot "go", but we all can and should support His work!

Thanks in advance!

Friday, June 4, 2021

walk by faith like never before

 I always thank my God when I remember you in my prayers. That’s because I hear about your love for all God’s people. I also hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus. I pray that what we share by believing will help you understand even more. Then you will completely understand every good thing we share by believing in Christ. Your love has given me great joy. It has encouraged me. My brother, you have renewed the hearts of the Lord’s people. (Philemon 1:4-7)

Now that our communities are "opening up" once again, we as believers must walk by faith like never before! We cannot be afraid. Yes, we must be safe and respect others' wishes, but we must be bold in embracing our communities so as to share the love of Christ!

There are people in need within our very neighborhoods. People who need to see a smiling face for the first time in over a year. People who need an embrace, a handshake, perhaps even an invitation to spend time together. 

Who can we help? Where can we give? How can we show Christ's love and share our faith? As Paul wrote to Philemon, what we share by believing may just help someone understand more about Jesus! 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

We need to GO . . . we are asking the Lord for you to SEND us!

He sent them out two by two ahead of him. They went to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is huge, but the workers are few. So ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field. (Luke 10:1-2)

So Jesus sent out 72 to share the Good News. He was clear . . . share the Good News as you are welcomed. Don't hassle anyone if they disagree or will not listen. Just move on . . .

As we have been called (yes, we actually received a call!) to serve again in Puerto Rico, we have found ourselves in a rather difficult situation. We quickly replied, "Send me!" However, we cannot talk face-to-face with many as before when raising funds for our service trips due to Covid protocols. We have to rely upon word of mouth and social media. 

So, I apologize if this is the millionth time you have seen this message, just know we are simply asking the Lord to urge YOU to send us to work and witness in Puerto Rico. We will gladly visit your church, your home, anywhere any time to share the need. The U.S. island has been devastated over the past three years with hurricanes, earthquakes and most recently Covid-19. We have seen the damage and felt the heartache . . . yet experienced the joy of serving such wonderful people. The Spirit of God is moving in Puerto Rico!

So please . . . ask the Lord to have you partner with Him and send us to serve in Puerto Rico. Please click one of the the various links below and give your support today. All support goes to airfare, food, housing and mission supplies. God bless!!!!

or at our church site

or at GoFundMe

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

How many of us need some rest?

 Come to me, all you who are tired and are carrying heavy loads. I will give you rest. Become my servants and learn from me. I am gentle and free of pride. You will find rest for your souls. Serving me is easy, and my load is light.” (Matthew 11: 28-30)

For many, like those in my household, summer is here! Classes are finished, grades are in and summer plans have begun. Memorial Day has come and gone . . . bring on summer!  How many of us need some rest?

Well, unfortunately, we all must work . . . or we do not eat!(2 Thessalonians 3:10) That work also comes with sweat (Genesis 3:17-19) and many times sore muscles and challenged minds! Whether we work in construction, in an office setting, in schools, or at home, work is labor! Physical work, mental challenges, lack of sleep . . . all play a role is causing fatigue, stress, and the need for rest!

So go get some rest . . . but remember the ONE who allows us the energy and health to work above all. His work is easy when we realize that whatever we are doing, we are working for Him and for His glory! Resting in Jesus is so satisfying . . . .

Draft Day . . . what we see and what we do not see right now.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.  For our light aff...