Tuesday, April 1, 2008

04 01 08 Are We April’s Fool?

“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no-one who does good.”
(Psalm 14:1 NIV)

Our kids used to look forward to April 1st. They would plan out tricks days in advance, especially our oldest son. When one of adopted sons (Jordan) was living with us, it was really dangerous. He and AJ would go way out of their way to torment us. Our house was a like a minefield. But it was so much fun! We miss that!

Seriously though, there are those in our midst who disregard God and live as if He doesn’t care, doesn’t matter, and doesn’t exist. What a fool! The psalmist said it. Look around today: sexual immorality, drug abuse like never before (by all levels of society), civil unions, corruption in government, abuse within churches, and on and on. As a society, we are so foolish! Have you and I fallen for the cruel joke? ARE WE APRIL’S FOOL?

“For a fool speaks disgraceful things; his mind plans out sinful deeds. He commits godless deeds and says misleading things about the LORD; he gives the hungry nothing to satisfy their appetite and gives the thirsty nothing to drink.
(Isaiah 32:6)

Isaiah and the psalmist agree with the Spirit of God: Those who disregard God do despicable things! They have no conscience to guide them. They have no moral compass, but what ever is accepted by society. Men do what seems to be right in their own eyes, not God’s eyes! Isn’t that where we are as a society? But as Christians, we need to be shocked at what we see on the news, we need to point our immoral activity and not condone. We need to call sin what it is and call sinners to repentance. We can’t ignore it any longer! ARE WE APRIL’S FOOL year-round?

This is not a time for tolerance! It’s not a time for political correctness. It’s a time for boldness, wisdom, and the TRUTH! No more foolishness…especially from us men! We have been duped by the enemy, who happens to rule their world…remember?

Let’s put away the dunce caps and use the power with in us. Greater is He within us than He who is in the world! God is not to be mocked! Though we may look like fools to the world, the last laugh lies within the hearts of those who honor the King! Let that confidence cause us to stand for Him and not fall for any old thing we hear. His TRUTH sets us free!

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unity throughout . . . imagine the impact

 Let's face it, God wants us to be one . Jesus was clear in His High-Priest prayer before going to His death:  “I do not pray for these ...