Monday, March 31, 2008

03 31 08 Saddle Up Guys!

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
(Joshua 1:9 NIV)

Men love action! We love westerns, football, boxing, baseball, basketball and police dramas. We compete! We compete in business, at play, with our neighbors, and for the girl. We are challenged by the heavy weight of our roles as husbands, fathers, leaders, and guardians. However, we struggle with lust, anger, depression, and defeat.

Our real battles often center on self-doubt, fear of failure, loss of integrity, and erosion of character. All the while, under our nice guy images, a lion sleeps. Behind our smiling faces, a tiger paces. Beneath designer suits are wings of an eagle that begs to soar. We have an irresistible drive to take charge, stand firm, fight the good fight, protect and defend, and win the battle. God has created us to be warriors in His battle and He draws us to the action.

Unfortunately, our sinful nature all too often redirects us either into retreat or to misuse our weapons in abusive or selfish ways.
As a result, we’re on the sidelines. We have allowed ourselves to be kicked to the curb, benched, and believing that our maleness is offensive, oppressive, domineering, and abusive in its essence. We believe that our first duty in our walk of holiness is to be polite and understanding. We believe that the virtues of meekness and humility must be manifested in our silence or absence. We have fallen off the horse men.

This is not the way has wired a man. We are to lead, guide, provide, protect, and nurture with Godly wisdom and controlled power (real meekness). We are to stand men; stand for God, His Word, and for His will. We are to guide and lead our families by His Word. We are to provide by His leading and according His will. We are to protect through our prayers and holy lifestyle. We are to nurture our wife and children by the teaching and authority found in His Word. Men, we should reflect God to those around us. As a man made in His image, we are to live in that image. It’s time to SADDLE UP GUYS!

Real men are real Godly. Real men are really holy. Real men are practical. We love our wife emotionally and physically. We meet her every need. We teach our children; read to them, play with them, and change their diapers! We can clean the kitchen as well as we clean the car. We can mow down the enemy's plans just as we mow the grass. It is our duty and God expects it of us! We lead by example. SADDLE UP GUYS!

Real men don’t back down to the enemy, but understanding the power within us, we kneel down to the King. We wield the power of the Spirit within us and the authority of Scripture hidden in our hearts. We must stop making excuses. We must realize the potential in each of us. It’s not what our daddy did or didn’t do. It’s not what mamma said about us. We can’t blame anyone else. If we want our FATHER’S approval, we have to go to DADDY personally. He’s waiting with open arms. He ready to equip with every good gift we need. He has power to give to us. He has strength to sustain us. He has wisdom to lead us. He has forgiveness to rid us of guilt, lies, and past failure. It’s time to SADDLE UP GUYS and be real cowboys…real men…holy men of the holy God. We are His ambassadors, deputized by the blood of our Savior.

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unity throughout . . . imagine the impact

 Let's face it, God wants us to be one . Jesus was clear in His High-Priest prayer before going to His death:  “I do not pray for these ...