Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Correction is good.

Correction is good! 

Can I be honest with you? 

I know none of us . . . young or old . . . including me, enjoys being corrected. If you are like me, when confronted, I tend to excuse my errors or worse; point out what others may be doing wrong as well. Misery loves company. I will diminish my wrongdoing even to the point of blaming others or deflecting my wrongs. Does that sound like you as well?

As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. 
(Proverbs 27:17)

If we do not accept criticisms or corrections, we will continue doing things wrong. We will not grow. Worse yet, we could come to failure or calamity. As with sports, the only way to do things right is to do things right. If we are failing due to an incorrect method, then we will continue to fail. Correction is good, no matter how it hurts. How we point out others' misgivings is the key. We do it in love!

Spiritually speaking, we all need correction. As sinners, there is only one way, one Person to an eternal relationship with God the Father . . . Jesus. To know Him is to accept His correction and repent of our sin. He died and rose from the grave as a price for our sin debt. To be corrected . . . or cleansed . . . we must repent and believe in Him!

I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” (Luke 5:32)

Accept Jesus today and turn from sin.

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