Thursday, July 22, 2021

Change your perspective

Me . . . a missionary? That was my question when God tapped me on the shoulder some twenty-four years ago. While my new wife (we had just married) had dedicated our life and family to the Lord, we had no idea what that meant. We simply said that if You allow us to be one, we want to serve You God. He did and we have ever since!

However, I will admit I was scared! New blended family . . . new life together . . . new adventures and new challenges ahead. Where would He lead us? Whom would we serve? What would we do? How would we do it? Leave jobs and life as we know it?

Well, eventually we did say goodbye to our lives of relying upon the government for income! My wife resigned from the Pentagon after more than ten years (just before 9-11!) and I left the USPS after twenty years of service, just after the anthrax scare and sniper attacks in the area. It became clear that God wanted us to serve Him full-time!

Now twenty four years later and hundreds of folks served and saved, we have no regrets. God has been good! We remain on the local mission field daily and serve outside our area when called. We have been blessed to have more than sixty children and young families stay within our home for needed shelter and guidance. We have been privileged to serve hundreds of homeless folks. We have mentored, coached, and taught thousands. We have been fortunate to lead dozens of short term trips to serve areas of natural disasters with the teens with whom we work. And the labor has NOT been in vain . . . it goes on . . .

All it took was a change in perspective! We were able to see things as God saw them.

God has made a great many promises. They are all “Yes” because of what Christ has done. So through Christ we say “Amen.” We want God to receive glory. He makes both us and you remain strong in the faith because we belong to Christ. He anointed us. He put his Spirit in our hearts and marked us as his own. We can now be sure that he will give us everything he promised us. (2 Corinthians 1:20-22)

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