Thursday, November 12, 2020

The souls of Americans . . .


But you are the only true God. You are the only living God. You are the King who rules forever. When you are angry, the earth trembles with fear. The nations can’t stand up under your anger. (Jeremiah 10:10)

 Even after a full week, the U.S. is still at odds debating who won and who lost . . . . local and national elections. Well, I have good news . . .God is still in charge! He always wins because He is God!

While many throw around His name and title, few seem to embrace His position and authority. God is not out to get our votes, He wants our hearts and souls. Yes, He wants the souls of Americans, but also the Asians, the Africans, the Irish, the Jews, and everyone else. (Matthew 10:28, Matthew 22:37, Mark 8:36, Romans 12:2)

If we want to change the soul of America, it must start with the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7) and accepting things on His terms. We all will stand before Him one and all votes will be counted! 

What about you? Have you cast your vote?

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