Monday, July 1, 2019


He who walks with wise men will be wise,
But the companion of fools will be destroyed. (Proverbs 13:20)
Everyone has a squad . . . a circle . . . a tribe . . . a special group they call the boys or the girls. So who are your special friends? Who are the ones you trust when things get tough? Who are those few whom you really can count on when challenges arise?  This inner circle will influence you behind imagination throughout life!

Everyone has a certain group they can trust with personal and private issues and even their life. The President has his cabinet. Other world  leaders have a royal guard. Celebrities have personal assistants and body guards. I am not talking about a social media bff, but one who can lead, guide and protect. Yet if they turn on you, your life becomes a wrecking ball!

Jesus had Peter, James and John. Yes, He had twelve apostles and many disciples. but when things were tough and challenging, Jesus knew He always had these three.  They knew the deep secrets(Matthew 16:19) of Jesus. John the youngest lived the longest. Peter the oldest always stepped up for Jesus. James died first. All had a special place in Jesus' heart and plans. He spent special times with them and built into them for their short lifetime of work for Him. Though the world pulled them (especially Peter), Jesus' influence upon them changed them and changed the world! This inner circle has even changed you and me if you in fact are a Christ follower!

So who are allowing into your inner circle? Who is changing your life or moving you in one direction or the other? As a believer, we really should have no close friends who do not know Jesus personally. (2 Corinthians 6:13-15) Our inner circle should consist of fellow believers who will challenge us to keep on the right path.

So walk with the wise! Hang with the strong believers. Do not allow fools (non-believers) into your sphere of influence. Seek God and those He has placed in your life as to who is best for your inner circle!

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