Monday, March 20, 2017

Give It Up!

Then one poorer widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrants. So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood." (Mark 12:43-44)
Two "mites". . . a "quadrant" . . . the smallest of copper coins in Roman money, which was equal to a half-penny of our money today! Why would Jesus say she gave more than the rich folks who put so much more in the treasury? We like to go back and forth about tithing, yet here in this exchange with His disciples, Jesus basically said until we give all we have and totally trust Him , we have really given nothing. No, He doesn't say we have to give away all we have, but we must give ourselves to Him!(Matthew 19:21) Like the rich young ruler, until we get our priorities straight, we will be lost, "sad", and "sorrowful". Living a life dedicated to Christ will bring nothing less than inner joy, peace, and satisfaction in knowing that God is pleased. That alone will allow one to get a good night's sleep!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it!😁😁😁😃😃😃💖✝️💖✝️💖✝️😋💝❤️💕💞💗💟💜💛💚

Choose wisely my friend