Friday, January 8, 2016

Unshakeable God

Therefore, behold, I will allure her, will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her. I will give her vineyards from there . . . And I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy; then I will say to those who were not My people, " You are My people!" And they shall say, "You are my God!" (Hosea 2:14-15, 23)

The story of Hosea and Gomer is one of disappointment and failures for sure. Imagine marrying, having children, and finding out your bride was nothing less than a prostitute! Now imagine God requiring you to chase her down and rescue her and love her anyway . . . despite her infidelity, your disgrace, and more. Well, is that not you and me in relation to God? We fail Him so often. We deny Him almost daily. We cheat on Him with our worldly lusts and habits. Yet He calls out to us. He promises grace, forgiveness, and an unshakeable love.

Oh, He is my God! What a God . . . What a Savior! Listen for His voice. He is calling admits the noise and confusion. He allures us with His patient love and affection for each of us. 

Are we willing to seek Him and take refuge in Him? He is still a Rock, a Fortress, a Hiding Place and a God of Restoration.

Jehovah Nissi, lead us. Jehovah Jireh, please provide. Jehovah Shalom, please bring us Your peace and give us rest and comfort!

1 comment:

Wazzup said...

I love this blog

unity throughout . . . imagine the impact

 Let's face it, God wants us to be one . Jesus was clear in His High-Priest prayer before going to His death:  “I do not pray for these ...