Thursday, January 7, 2016

Humbled, Confident, LEADER!

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. (Hebrews 13:17)

I realize I am no world-renown theologian and God still has much work to do in me yet, but one thing I have learned and strive to do; honor authority. Though my parents are aged and losing their mental faculties, I desire to honor, obey, respect and sometimes tolerate them. I do my best to come in line with those God has put over me from my former postal supervisors to present school administrators. I strive to obey civil laws and ordinances and  learn from and come under the instruction of my Pastor/Shepherd and other educated and experienced CHRIST-followers. Some my age, some older, some younger, but nonetheless put over me by God so I must come under their (His) authority. 

The same holds true for those of us in authority: We must wield that authority under God with, grace, wisdom, and confidence! Knowing we are accountable to God for how we lead, we must first be humbled under God's leadership and then confidently lead. Many of us hold the future before us daily; young people yearning for guidance and examples of which to follow. 

We are here for such a time as this . . . Lead!


Anonymous said...

This is the generation that needs to lead a Godly life.🤔

Unknown said...

This is when the Christians awaken to do Gods bid

Kamaal said...

The people who God put in authority are there to help and guide us in our walk.

Kamaal said...

The people who God puts in authority are there to help and guide us in our walk.

unity throughout . . . imagine the impact

 Let's face it, God wants us to be one . Jesus was clear in His High-Priest prayer before going to His death:  “I do not pray for these ...