Thursday, November 19, 2015

A little light . . . A bit of seasoning . . . A life of FLAVOR

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

I shared these words with a rambunctious group of six and seven year olds a few days ago. They made a board with various people ranging from parents, friends, siblings, teachers, and the like. There was an arrow connected to a pin which allowed the students to spin the arrow and have it land on a person. The students were to then do something nice for that person during the week. . . without seeking reward. The kids were excited to get home and do something good!   

I wonder how that would work with us the remainder of the week? We all know folks who could use a smile, and helping hand, a note of thanks, maybe a slice of pizza or a cup of delicious, warm, hearty coffee. . . sorry, I digressed a bit!!!! 

But seriously though, let's make a list today of people in our lives who could use a good deed and be sure to keep it quiet, whereby only our Father will know. Let's be a warm light, a dash of seasoning, a ray of SONshine in an otherwise dull, grey, ordinary day for someone who could use it. 

There are plenty of opportunities to shine today for our Daddy . . . We simply have to allow His light to come out. But remember . . . Do not look for or anticipate the reward. The "well done" is awaiting one day!


Unknown said...

Show good Christian nature around others so that they may see the goodness of the lord, get saved, and worship God in heaven

Unknown said...

Show good Christian nature around others so that they may see the goodness of the lord, get saved, and worship God in heaven

Anonymous said...

Let the light shine. Don't hide it.

Anonymous said...

Oh. I thought I was never good enough to do that. Well, the end times are coming and we need to rush to tell others about God. DO SOMETHING NICE FOR OTHERS!🤗

Unknown said...

I think out of all the blogs in the world yours is the best🤓🙏🏾📖

Unknown said...

Take up your cross and follow me ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Kamaal said...

What's the point of being a Christian if you don't show it? Let your light shine for Jesus.

Kyle Bolling said...

Hiding the word from people is like sinning

Kyle Bolling said...

Not letting ur light shine is letting people fall into sin

Anonymous said...


Good bye '25