Monday, May 7, 2012

So where is our reward?

Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth and honor and life.
(Proverbs 22:4) Great words to live by even today! Living a humble life, being appreciative of all God has done and realizing all we have is from Him leads to a rewarding life. nowingwe live and breathe because of our Creator keeps us grounded! Let's face it, we can get a bit full of ourselves at times! We get all caught up in what we have done and what we have accomplished. But in acurality . . . it is God and God alone Living with a healthy respect of God and keeping ourselves in proper perspective puts God in His rightful place as Lord and King. This kind of attitude brings honor to Him and others will appreciate our outlook on life as well. Wealth is not measured in money. Honor is not measured in rewards on earth. Life is just begin when we leave this earth. So where is our reward? Where is our hope? Where is our heart?

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