Friday, March 9, 2012

Family Ties

Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
(Matthew 10:37)

These are hard words to swallow . . . for those who do not understand what a personal relationship with the Lord really involves. Jesus gives us a hint in the previous verse. At times, those of our own household cannot understand our relationship with Christ. This can be the biggest struggle for a believer.

Jesus is not telling us to hate our families! He is simply saying that we love the Lord so much and are dedicated to His will, that our love for our famiy is diminished. God becomes our priority. Many will not understand this and assume we do not care for our families anymore!

Ever experienced this reaction? I have heard it many times and it breaks my heart. I love my family. I just hope and pray that they will come to love the Lord and see the difference!

At times I feel so isolated and alone. It comes with the territory. Rejection from family hurts, but the intimacy with Christ is so much sweeter. Taking a stand for Christ can strain family ties indeed! I thank God for a bride who knows the Lord as I do and understands the call into serving the King. Being one together with our Lord forms an unbreakble three-chord strand! (Ecclesiastes 4:8-12)

Is family tying you down . . . seek the Lord today!

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