Thursday, April 3, 2008

04 03 08 Men Behaving Godly

“So don’t get tired of doing what is good. Don’t get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time.” (Galatians 6:9 NLT)

The words of Matthew 6:33 offer clear instructions for managing your day and your life: we are to put God’s business before our own. Men, this is a challenge for us. Our job as provider many times takes our concentration away from God. We begin to think we are the provider, when we know deep down it is God! We are so busy impressing bosses, co-workers, and even our competition, that we forget our audience is God. Each day we are presented with moments to please God over man. The choice is ours, but the price we may pay may have eternal costs. Work hours rather than hours with family; business trips over family vacations; happy hour instead of the dinner hour at home; business cell phone conversations rather than bedtime story conversations; late nights at the office before date nights with our spouse… These are costly decisions indeed!

MEN BEHAVING GODLY make Godly decisions based upon time spent with God and His Word. They are not made haphazardly or by flipping a coin. We have to invest way before we reap the dividends. The return on our time with God comes when we most need it and many times we have run out of earthly resources. If we put God and His Kingdom priorities first, especially as men, we have a Source of wealth. The world’s resources can’t quite compare!

We men like it simple. Here is a simple fact: Don’t just listen to God’s Word, live by it. Sound too simple? Perhaps it is. But we need to have it that way. We don’t have to think too much. God has made it plain and clear over the centuries: Do these things I have laid out for you…be blessed…Don’t do these things…you’re on your own. That’s scary!!! When will we learn?

Mr. Moody said it this way: “If we have the true love of God in our hearts, we will show it in our lives. We will not have to go up and down the earth proclaiming it. We will show it in everything we say or do.”

There is something abut that little light shining: it shows through MEN BEHAVING GODLY!


Unknown said...

today is the anniversary of dr. king's......ooops the acknowledgement dr. king's assasination... a true patroit not only for this country, but for all of i read commentary from spritual and religious communities fo all kind...90% were about this great mesiaah...of course some dates stick in our minds and some dont....however we must remember the when those who have woked so tirelessly to bring about truth and justice to all that benifit from god's good grace and solice(from the greeek soltis,meaning sun or that which give life to all on earth)....should remember that nothing exist without the the loving son(sonne in german etymologh) given to earth by the universe (our heavenly father) love you love you love you

In The Beginnining said...

See my REMINDER from Jan 15, 2007. I pray it blesses and encourages everyone.

It reads:
Freedom Isn’t Free
(In Honor of Martin Luther King)

“But God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

God loved us while we were yet His enemies, still sinners; Christ went to the cross for us. Many people would die for a friend or a family member, but for an enemy? Now, that’s love. That sacrifice allowed man the chance for spiritual freedom: freedom from sin and eternal separation from God in an eternal hell. We have the freedom to choose to accept that gift from God or reject it, but we have the freedom to choose.

That freedom, however, came at a great cost. Christ laid aside His glory in heaven to accept the brunt of all our sin. He received the beatings, the spitting, the insults, the cross, just for you and for me. He experienced a separation from His Father so we would not have to do so. FREEDOM ISN’T FREE … it costs!

“We have come to know love by this: that Jesus laid down His life for us; thus we ought to lay down our lives for our fellow Christians. But whoever has the world’s possessions and sees his fellow Christian in need and shuts off his compassion against him, how can the love of God reside in such a person? Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue but in deed and truth.” (1 John 3:16-18)

Jesus laid down His life … His life style for us. His life was lived on our behalf. He gave up His will for God’s will for Him and for our redemption. As I honor the life and work of Dr. King, that’s what I take away from his sacrifice. He gave up a life of pastoring, of a husband, of a Daddy and took on the will of the people. I’m sure it was God’s will for his life as well. He became the face of civil rights for all people; rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and by the cross of Christ. No doubt, Dr. King’s family missed a lot of time he could have been at home. His church lost out on some one-on-one counseling and some dynamic Sunday preaching and Bible study. His dedication to the needs of the people came at a price: his personal time, his family time, his time with his church, and ultimately his life!

Dr. King laid down his life for those in need; both Christians and non-believers. Here is my question: How will you honor the legacy of Dr. King and the ultimate mandate of God upon your life as a believer? This is not a race issue or even a civil rights issue anymore. It’s an issue of our basic Christian life. Whom are we living for? What will be said of you and me at our going home service? Are we laying down our lives for anyone: a friend, family, fellow believers, neighbors, for God’s will?

We here in the U.S. have more than anyone, yet we complain we don’t have enough! We hoard, we invest, we save, yet we refuse to give from our need. We’ll gladly give from our excess, sure. But will we lay down our desires, give from our basic possessions, sacrifice our very lives for someone’s need, as Dr. King and so many others have done over the years? It takes a special person. It takes a person controlled by God’s Spirit and given over to His will.

What bigger need does a person have than to feel the love of Christ and to know Him personally? In honor of Dr. King, may I challenge you to lay your life down and love in deed and truth? Will you commit to give as you see a need, not as you have extra? Can we live as real brothers ands sisters, not known by the color of our skin but by the content of our character? Oh, that’s still a dream in some areas, isn’t it?

I thank God for Dr. King’s sacrifice and for the sacrifice of all who have laid down their lives for our freedoms. For me, the fight is not over until we all are one under the blood of Christ! FREEDOM ISN’T FREE! Don’t get too comfortable, there is still a price to pay!!! Are you willing to lay it down?

unity throughout . . . imagine the impact

 Let's face it, God wants us to be one . Jesus was clear in His High-Priest prayer before going to His death:  “I do not pray for these ...