Friday, March 14, 2008

03 14 08 A Ministry Tool

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.”
(Psalm 20:7 NIV)

The more I think abut it, the less I believe I would want a lot of things. In a peculiar way, it seems a little more comfortable to be in need rather than to have excess. The more comfortable I am, the less I trust God to provide. Yet when I am in need, I definitely know who supplies! It’s nothing I a doing, that’s for sure.

When we have unlimited resources, or at least an ample supply, it’s very easy to trust the bank account, the overtime pay, the bonus check or investment returns. We begin to think that as long as I work hard enough or put enough effort into my plans, all will be well. In this day and age, nothing is for certain however. The stock can plummet; the bank may liquidate; the company may go bankrupt. So whose money is it really?

I have been blessed to be in full-time ministry now for five years (part-time beginning in 1999) and I must say it is a privilege to be paid from heaven…literally. If God doesn’t supply by way of caring and concerned supporters or open up grant opportunities from folks I have never met, I have no income. No matter the energy I may put into fundraising, planning, or even actual program work, it our wages depend solely upon His providential care. I have no choice but to trust Him at His word to care for us.

While I once looked forward to payday, I now look forward to a day to receive pay as the Lord provides. Many months the money is simply not available, yet by His grace, our needs are met and then some. We have yet to be fully funded and have yet to match even half of the salaries we earned in the secular work force. We are so much better off however, because we no know without a doubt where our SOURCE lies!

I don’t desire riches, just enough to care for my family’s needs and ministry expenses. I do not want money to be a burden, simply A MINISTRY TOOL! Heaven is the biggest payday I’m looking forward to nowadays. I want to be found working when that day comes!

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