Thursday, May 10, 2007

Marriage (part II)

My lover is mine and I am His---)
(Song of Solomon 2:16 NET)

Husband and wife don’t own one another as a piece of property, but they are one another! They become one (basar in Hebrew); one flesh, one body. Man and wife are glued together, cemented by a holy covenant between God and the couple, not to be separated! Man and wife become a family all in itself, as instituted by God. Anything else is a mess.

This is exactly where the enemy attacks family today. We are raised to be independent and when we get married, we refuse to submit to one another, to become interdependent. We want mine and hers too (or his too). We want our own bank accounts, cars in our own name, and even separate vacations at times. Then we have children and all havoc breaks loose. Things are not the priority. Children are not the priority. Husband and wife are family all by themselves. There must be a sense of belonging---to one another---ahead of every other relationship except that between God and the husband and wife.

Are we willing to drop all we’re doing to care for one another? Will we put job over each other’s needs? Will we jump for the next phone call from a friend, but ignore our spouse’s call to help with the grocery bags? Will we place a higher priority on little league than date night? Do we hurt when the other hurts? Do we celebrate when the other succeeds? Is there a sense of oneness---belonging?

"This one at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; ---
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and unites with his wife,
and they become a new family (one flesh).”
(Genesis 2:23-24 NET)

There is always hope if we’ve drifted apart. There is always room to get closer. God desires for husband and wife to be family. He does not approve of man and woman to be shacked up, or for Adam and Steve, or Eve and Eva to raise a child. His plan is perfect and only His plan. Let’s take an account of our relationship and even our attitude toward marriage and make sure we are one: He is mine and I am his---and together we are HIS!! We have to identify with His word and His will to truly have a sense of belonging; to one another and to our DADDY.

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unity throughout . . . imagine the impact

 Let's face it, God wants us to be one . Jesus was clear in His High-Priest prayer before going to His death:  “I do not pray for these ...