Friday, June 7, 2024

A teacher never really rests...

 Ok...summer break has arrived. As a teacher, it is a time for rest, relaxation, and time away from the classroom and kids. Yet as a bible teaching evangelist, I am always in contact with current and former students and always searching for new ways to reach them for Christ. I enjoy the break, but embrace the time to plan as well. This teacher never really rests!

"Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness." (James 3:1)

You see, this generation of young adults has no church foundation. Many are not raised in typical CHRISTian homes. Most do not attend church. The only Gospel many of my students hear and see is through my fellow teachers and me at our school. This is a burden I cherish and embrace. . . but it is challenging and at times lonely and tiresome. Yet, I thank God for it.

Please pray for my wife and me as we plan this summer how to reach another group of young adults in the coming year. We are asking God and planning for:

  • exciting lessons, 
  • challenging projects
  • souls to be saved, 
  • students who are saved to mature in Christ
  • a successful mission trip in the summer of 2025
  •  and decisions to be made for careers in CHRISTian service.
The work never stops...until Christ returns!

Thank you and God bless you! 

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The "S" word....