Friday, April 28, 2023

Grading on a curve?

Do you ever think God grades on a curve? He does not! As a teacher for the last thirteen years, I do not grade on a curve either. It is not fair to the excellent students nor the struggling. There is no slacking. You receive the grade according to the work you performed. That is fair to everyone!

The Bible makes it clear that God does the same. He won’t compare Ianna to Brandon and decide, “Well, you weren’t quite as bad as Brandon, so come on into heaven. Sorry, Brandon, did not measure up to the others . . . see 'ya!"

Jesus told Nicodemus what it took to get into heaven. Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a guy who did all the right things, said all the right things, even believed all the right things. Jesus simply said: 

“I assure you, unless you are born again, you can never see the Kingdom of God” (John 3:3).

Do you believe you are better than someone else? So you don't smoke weed? You don't drink until you are drunk? You do not have extramarital sex, just watch porn on occasion? God understands why you cannot tithe? 

Excuses do not get us into eternal life. Winning a popularity contest doesn't earn a spot in heaven. There is One Way through One Person . . . Jesus Christ. No curve!

To have an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ, one must be born again!

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