Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Jackie Robinson's faith was greater than his abilities: Honoring Black HIStory '23

We all know Jackie Robinson as a player, but his faith was greater than his abilities! Growing up in Pasadena, Calif., Robinson was influenced by a minister named Karl Everitt Downs, a pastor at Scott Methodist Church where the budding ballplayer’s mother Mallie attended services. It was that relationship that led Robinson to Christ and made him a believer. It was Downs’ influence that helped Robinson develop his faith and Methodist upbringing.
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)
There was a deep-rooted bond that was formed between Robinson and Dodger owner Branch Rickey based on an “intense personal religion” — they both shared the same faith tradition — that was genuine and no longer “in vogue these days.”

“Robinson and Rickey were genuine Christians, but Christians in their concern for their fellow human beings,” he added. “It was no act when Rickey read the passage from Giovanni Papini’s biography The Life of Christ to a skeptical Robinson at their historic first meeting in Brooklyn on August 28, 1945.

What kept Robinson from lashing out at the vile taunts from the stands? Lowenfish said although Robinson’s “first response would always be to go on the attack to vile insults, Rickey convinced him that ‘turning the other cheek’ and playing as hard and well as he could was the best response.”

Following his retirement, Robinson became more public about his faith. In 1962, during a speech to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Robinson said, “As the first Negro in the majors, I needed the support and backing of my own people. I’ll never forget what ministers like you who lead [the] SCLC did for me.”

As important as ministers were in supporting the Dodgers first baseman, Lamb said it was Robinson’s faith in God that was so vital throughout the players’ life.

“No athlete faced greater pressure and dealt with more hatred than Robinson,” he said. “How did Robinson succeed? There’s little doubt that faith played a significant role in this success.” (

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