Friday, December 11, 2020

God gives hope to a dying world

A reminder to never stop giving . . . 

 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Luke 6:38)

And so it is CHRISTmas . . .a rather unusual CHRISTmas at that! But so was the first CHRISTmas! Many have nothing to give. Others have decided not to give anything. Strange times cause people to do strange things for sure.

This CHRISTmas what will you give to those whom you love? Can I make a suggestion? Give of yourself . . . share who you are and what you believe . . . share your heart, your time, your laugh and your smile . . . share your faith and perhaps bring someone eternal joy and hope they may have never had or just may have lost in the recent days and months!

You see, we do not have to have money or things to give at CHRISTmas . . .we have so much more! God gave to us on the first CHRISTmas . . .He gave hope to a dying world. If you have it . . .share it!

We can never out-give God but we can share the very gift He first shared with us . . . give the HOPE of a Savior!

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We all are held accountable for all we do . . .

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