Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Do you have enough? Support and Serve those who do not . . .


If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? (1 John 3:17)

This is the Spirit of CHRISTmas . . .  giving freely when someone is in need! Most of us have enough, compared to the rest of the world . . .enough clothes, enough food, enough house, etc. While I realize folks are hurting in various ways today, most of those reading this have enough for today and even tomorrow. While we may fret a bit about this virus and the extended future, many do not know how they will eat today, where they will stay tonight, or if they will even survive the night!

As a Body of believers, do we freely give when we see a need? I am encouraging my teen students to pray for a heart to serve in ministry and missions. My wife and I have given ourselves to missions since 1998. Like Paul, we have learned to be content with a little and others times we have been blessed with a little more. There have also been times when we faced real basic needs, like food money, mortgage money, and money for repairs to a vehicle. We have faced health scares and emergency surgeries. We have experienced the loss of loved loved ones as well.

Through it all, God has seen fit to supply both what we needed and the people needed. He has been faithful! One does not have to be a pastor to minister. You do not have to be in a third-world nation to be in the mission field. In fact, every believer has an obligation to pray for and support the work of God. It is not for the chosen few. While some are called to serve, we all are called to support through prayer, encouragement and giving!

There is much need in our society today. Please consider giving today . . .your time, your prayers, your encouragement, and yes, even your financial assistance to help those in need and those serving the needs!

You may support my wife and I as we coach teens and meet the needs of local families at the following site: Click Jerry and Tamara Carroll.

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