Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Giving from our own very need . . .

Sinful people borrow and don’t pay back. But those who are godly give freely to others. The Lord will give the land to those he blesses. But he will destroy those he curses. The Lord makes secure the footsteps of the person who delights in him, even if that person trips, he won’t fall.  The Lord’s hand takes good care of him. I once was young, and now I’m old. But I’ve never seen godly people deserted.  I’ve never seen their children begging for bread. The godly are always giving and lending freely.  Their children will be a blessing. Turn away from evil and do good.  Then you will live in the land forever.(Psalm 37:21-27)

How should those who know Christ act in such trying times? It is clear here in Psalm 37. We are to be generous and give freely without complaint. We cannot be selfish with so many in need. In fact, giving from our own very need will bring blessings.  

Recently, our after-school missions club led a drive to collect food for a few families in need within our school community. In less than a week's notice, they gathered enough turkeys, veggies, snacks, gift cards, cash, and more, not simply for a Thanksgiving meal, but food for several days! This is a great encouragement to me that people still desire to give . . . even when times are challenging! The psalmists wrote that the Godly are always giving and lending freely. They do it without groaning or complaining. It is a sign of faith that God will provide as we give. 

In these times of challenge and uncertainty, never stop giving, assisting, lending, or praying. As a missionary serving with my wife for twenty-three years now, we know God is able . . . Do you?


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