Monday, November 23, 2020

Be thankful . . .we have hope!

Free Printable: "Give Thanks" Thanksgiving Scripture Art - The Purposeful  Mom
Thanksgiving 2020 . . . there has been a lot of struggles in 2020. What do we have to be thankful for this year?

It may sound trivial, but if we are breathing, we should be thankful. Many today are having trouble getting air into their lungs and many have stopped breathing altogether and lost their lives in 2020!  

If we still have a job we should be thankful as many have been laid off or let go for good in 2020.

If we still have a place to stay and food to eat, maybe not our favorite food but food nonetheless, than we need to be thankful. Many people are going hungry daily and some forced to live on the streets.

If we are going to school . . . even if it is virtual, we need to be thankful for all those who have made it possible.

If we have been blessed to not have contracted COVID-19, or even had it and survived, we need to be thankful.

Even if we have lost loved ones, yet hold on to life eternal with Jesus Christ, then we indeed need to be thankful!

If we have a church whose doors are opened and we can worship as a Body, then we need to be thankful!

Be thankful . . .yes be thankful. For those of us who know Christ, we have hope. We have hope in tomorrow. Hope that things will change. Hope that God cares. Hope that even in the midst of a pandemic, we can praise God and thank Him for what we do have and not dwell upon what we do not. We have a suffering Savior Who knows all our troubles and carries all of our burdens.

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