Thursday, September 17, 2020

We should not be passive!

 I ran across these words when searching for answers this !morning . . .

 The Bible simply and clearly says that we are God's children and Christ's ambassadors. Because of this, we should not be passive. Instead, we should learn to stand on life's issues. We are salt and light, bringing in God's colors and flavours to this bland, tasteless world in which we live in but don't belong.We all have a role to play in letting Christ's light shine in the darkness. Here are some Bible verses telling us to take a stand on life's issues.

Paul said it like this: 

No matter what happens, live in a way that brings honor to the good news about Christ. Then I will know that you remain strong together in the one Spirit. I will know this if I come and see you or only hear about you. I will know that you work together as one person. I will know that you work to spread the teachings about the good news. So don’t be afraid in any way of those who oppose you. This will show them that they will be destroyed and that you will be saved. That’s what God will do. Here is what he has given you to do for Christ. You must not only believe in him. You must also suffer for him. You are going through the same struggle you saw me go through. As you have heard, I am still struggling.(Philippians 1:27-30)

It is not enough to just believe as a CHRISTian, we must live it out! We must take a stand in life. . . . as individuals and most importantly, as a Body! If the world could only see families living for Christ, schools living for Christ, churches living for Christ, rather than an individual here or there, imagine the impact! 

 We should not . . .we cannot be passive CHRISTians in this world!

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