Saturday, April 20, 2019

So what is our response to the POWER within us?

On basic issues—the nature of God, salvation and the afterlife—Christianity is uniquely true. On the flip side, as Paul observes, if the resurrection is not true, then Christianity is utterly false (1 Cor 15:14, 17).
Jesus encouraged people to believe in him because of both his teachings and his miracles ( John 5:36-40; Luke 10:13-15). He seemed to view miracles as providing a divine seal on his own ministry. Jesus reportedly told the Jewish leaders that his miracles were proof that he was the Son of God (John 10:36-38). Jesus pointed to his resurrection as the greatest sign that would confirm his identity (Matthew 16:1-4).
In Acts, Peter reportedly declared that Jesus’s miracles, and especially the resurrection, were the chief indication that God had approved Jesus’s teachings (Acts 2:23-32)
So what is our response? Yes, we say we believe! Yes, we say we follow Christ! Yet the early believers did more! There response was to BOLDLY proclaim and live out their beliefs...even unto death!(Acts 2:1-47)
So what is our response to the POWER within us?
(Acts 1:8)

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