Friday, February 1, 2019

challenged to reach EVERY child

Then they also brought infants to Him that He might touch them; but when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” (Luke 18:15-17)
Jesus was speaking in parables, giving examples about prayer and other things. He spoke of a persisitent widow, Pharisees, tax collectors, the rich, and children.

The disciples had issues with people bringing children to Jesus! This has always intrigued me. Why not the nagging widow or the arrogant rich ruler? Why issues with kids? Now I think I got it.

You see, if we don't reach young kids with the Truth of Jesus early on, the world will swalow them up with political correctness, social acceptance, tolerance of every kind and other world views. Like the rich young ruler ( Luke 18:23), many will not be able to turn from the world once entrenched!

"Who then can be saved?", the disciples asked. (Luke 18:26) Jesus answered it in verse 17; those with the attitude of a little child. If we accept Jesus with the wide-eyed innocence of a child, with no doubts, no fears, no holding back. . . . full speed ahead down the snowy hill. . . A well, You get the picture!

I am challenged to  reach EVERY child (and adult) with the Gospel. Bring 'em to me . . . all of 'em! I
got somethin' good they will like!

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