Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Who is like my God?

The Lord is high above all nations, His glory above the heavens.Who is like the Lord our God, and Who dwells on high,
Who humbles Himself to behold the things that are in the heavens and in the earth?
He raises the poor out of the dust,  and  lifts the 
needy out of the ash heap,
That He may seat him with princes— With the princes of His people.
He grants the barren woman a home, Like a joyful mother of children.
Praise the Lord!(Psalm 113:4-9)
Who is like the Lord our God? What can compare? Who has His power? Who has His authority? Who would give up even a small percentage of what God gave up to save you and me from destruction?  Who can repair the lost and lonely hearts like our God?

Do you know Him?

I can't not talk about Him! For Him to reach down and call my name to be among His children is beyond awesome! To think Jesus went through all He did for me? What a glorious and unselfish God to save me from destruction . . . to save me from myself!

All I can do is commit to serve Him, despite my failings. I will always fall short (Romans 3:23). Yet His promise is to save me! (Romans 10:9-10) He will stay with me and work through me until the end. (Philippians 1:6) For this, I will proclaim His name and never be ashamed! (Romans 1:16)

He is my God....no need for anyone or anything else!

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