Thursday, August 23, 2018

CHRISTian Education: Are we now willing to sacrifice?

It has been said that "if we don’t teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.”

As a CHRISTian teacher the past ten years and missionary teens for twenty, I have witnessed families regarding a CHRISTian education as an option, not a requirement. Yet the bible is clear about how parents are to teach their children the things of God. Parents are working two to three jobs and fifty to sixty hours a week.  Church attendance is spotty and seldom do our teens attend SONday school or youth groups. In fact, a majority of the teens I teach never attend church and depend upon the bible teacher to teach them ALL they need to know about Christ! I have surveyed the students and a wide majority have no or little prayer, bible study, or discussions about the things of Christ within the home. It saddens me but challenges me just the same. I have led many students to Christ and dozens have even been baptized at our school's church because they have no church home or rarely attend. They tell me I am the only biblical teaching they receive. What does this say about the kids who are in state-run schools from age four to five through university? Children educated in the state system become adults of the state! The reason why CHRISTian school attendance is dwindling and CHRISTian schools are closing is because parents are choosing other comforts over the sacrifice of a CHRISTian education. Free STEM classes, free art programs, sports teams and dance programs offered by the public school system take precedent over the CHRISTian school requiring tuition. Is the sacrifice of a CHRISTian education not worth the SOUL of the child? Is an IVY LEAGUE education worth more than a CHRISTian University education? What value is it for a child to gain the entire world and lose his or her soul? My wife and I have sacrificed careers, friends, family, and more to answer the call of God to serve  children and families. We have gone into debt to obtain a CHRISTian education to be better equipped to serve. It saddens my heart and soul to see our schools being threatened, our churches struggling and fellow believers losing jobs, homes, and relationships. When . . .WHEN will we as CHRISTian parents and grandparents wake up and begin to re-value the things of God. We must "train up our children" (Proverbs 22:6). We must instruct our children. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9) As Jesus said, we are to bring the children to Him (His Word) and have them learn.(Matthew 19:13-15) Paul instructed Timothy to teach these things and insist that everyone learn them! (2 Timothy 4:10-11) If we continue to work long hours, and our kids do not not attend church, SONday school or youth bible studies regularly, yet they receive all the state-funded education from ages four through adult, what should we expect for their souls? What should we as parents expect God to say to us as those given stewardship over their souls?

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