Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The SON's Rays of Hope

“Thus let all Your enemies perish, O LordBut let those who love Him be like the sun when it comes out in full strength.” (Judges 5:31)
After Joshua, Israel had its ups and downs. Sin, repentance... bad choice, good choice.... God's love and mercy, God's wrath and judgment.  Deborah experienced it as their "Judge".

We too have caused God to show His anger but have also experienced His mercy....mercy abounding the more, thank God! We choose.....yet because of His grace, the SON's sacrificial love for us, we do not experience the wrath of God as the Jews did. Yet there are consequences. But thank God for grace and the many chances we receive to get it right!

Like the SUN, God gives us new mercies, new chances each day. (Lamentations 3:22-23) Like the SUN, we feel the SON's all-consuming warmth and yet do not get the damaging fires. He witholds judgment, giving us day after day of grace. Yet a day is coming . . .

The SUN rises each day. It is warming us and sustaining us even through the clouds. Yet when it breaks through those clouds we see its rays extending in all directions.

Like the SUN, the SON extends grace to all who will accept it. We have His power within us to extend that grace to all with whom we connect each day.

Lord, use us to extend Your grace, Your forgiveness, Your warmth, Your mercies, this day . . . before the SUN goes down and before the SON returns!

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