Thursday, January 19, 2017

Kingdom Agenda

So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, "Do business until I come."(Luke 19:13)
The master left three months wages for his workers and instructed them to work . . . They were to take care of the master's business while he was away. We too are to be busy. . . .not necessarily making money, but doing Kingdom work! We cannot get caught up in useless "agendas" of the day. Jesus intentionally and purposefully addressed specific causes in His day . . . lepers, tax collectors, Pharisees, the blind, the poor, the hungry, the hurting . . .yes, even we the Gentiles! Injustice mattered to Jesus and it should matter to believers today. We cannot simply sit idly by, attend church on SONday, and allow things to happen all around us. We cannot simply wait around for Jesus' return either. He tells us to "occupy" until He comes! We are not motivated by politics or social agendas, but by the love of God within us! Upon Christ's return, He will restore all things and execute perfect justice for all. However, until He does, we as believers are to express God's love and justice by showing mercy and kindness to everyone we encounter!

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