Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Be For Real

Live like a CHRISTian!
Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. . . Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:9-21)
Paul lays out the CHRIST-centered life here in Romans 12. After leading off with a need to be transformed beginning with the way we think (Romans 12:1-2), he goes on to be very clear as to what that looks like: Do not claim to be what you are not. He clearly says we are not to be HYPOCRITES! This is the chief complaint of those outside of the Church Body. We act like hypocrites. Sadly, this is true. We read the bible and we go to church and we even tell others of our wonderful Savior. Yet we treat each other poorly, we are selfish, we are proud, we are jealous of others, and we seek after many of the things in this world that God says to flee. What is needed? Genuinely repentance, accountability, and a humble heart. No, we are not perfect . . . yet. However, we can start today to agree to agree with God and keep one another accountable to His standards so we can be a better witness to a lost and dying world!

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