Wednesday, August 3, 2016

A Closer Walk . . .

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit. (Psalm 51:12)
We have it so good as believers today. This is why we take advantage of the generous sacrifice God enable for us through the sacrificial atoning of Jesus. Listen to David here. Even after pleading for his life in the previous verse, David needs to know he is secure for eternity with the Lord. He seeks assurance of his eternal salvation. He knows he cannot secure it himself. Only the Spirit of God can seal and secure us for eternity. . . no words we say; no works we could do; no money we could pay! (Ephesians 2:8)
What if we would cherish our eternal relationship with Christ so? What if we had to plea for His mercy daily? What if our eternal salvation depended upon our prayer life? What if it hinged upon us and not the Lord?
Thank God for His grace and mercy! Without it we WOULD be lost for ever! Yet we cannot allow this act of grace and sacrifice keep us from pursuing and even deeper relationship with the One Who so loved us and still does to the end of days. (Philippians 1:6)

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Praise God!