Tuesday, July 21, 2015

It's a CHOICE!

How blessed (happy) are those whose actions are blameless, who obey the law of the Lord. How blessed are those who observe His rules and seek Him with ALL their heart. . . . How can a YOUNG person obtain a pure life? By guarding it according to Your instructions. . . . I rejoice in the lifestyle prescribed by Your rules . . . Open my eyes so I can truly see . . . . Remove me from the path of DECEIT . . . . I choose the path of FAITFULLNESS . . . . Give me UNDERSTANDING so that I might observe Your law and KEEP it with all my heart. (Psalm 119:1,9,14,18,29-30,34)

I am speaking to the young folks today but as it is with God's Word, it can be applied to each of us I am sure. How many times have we heard our youth say something like, "I'm not Jesus!" or "That doesn't apply to us today."?

Psalm 119 is a very long psalm for sure, but it contains so much in the way of  wise counsel from David to his son Solomon. As David was teaching the Hebrew alphabet, he was also instilling wisdom into his son's heart. No doubt that today we dads need to teach more (by example as well) and our children need to adhere to these Godly statutes! 

The main point I believe David is attempting to drive home here in these selected verses is for one to be happy and at peace, one must EMBRACE the truths of God. Though we may have learned the TRUTH we do not always choose right or even seek to do right. It is a choice! 

Finally David writes; "I have wandered off like a lost sheep. Come looking for your servant, for I do not forget Your commands." Sounds like a confession here . . . A cry for help . . . Perhaps we all need to do this today!

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