Thursday, July 12, 2012

Serving despite the pain

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
(Luke 15:7) It really is easy sharing my testimony and the Word of God with folks. After all, it is my story and God's Word is a true story! I just share the facts. The heartbreaking part in our ministry is when folks doubt us or God's Word. When the lost sheep chooses to wander away aimlessly or even worse, follows after the wolf. Yes we celebrate with heaven when the lost soul repents and gives their life to Christ. Even through the ups and downs of discipleship, it is a joy to work with so many teens and their families and see them grow closer to the Lord. But the ones who slip away . . . The heartache wears away at us. We just cannot understand how someone cannot accept the simple facts of the Gospel. So many have been duped, confused, and bombarded with so many rituals and add-ons to the simple Christian faith. Jesus did not come and suffer such a brutal death to confuse us, but to simplify things. It is His will that no one is lost! Yet there will be those like the rich young ruler and even Judas who decide to walk away . . . it is the reality of ministry for Christ. Please pray for us as we continue serving despite the pain of rejection, confusion, contradition, and spiritual warfare. The fight goes on . . . the battle for the soul goes on! We are just a few soldiers serving a Might Lord of Hosts.

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