Wednesday, June 6, 2012

When is a good time?

The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
(1 Peter 4:7-8) Christ is closer to coming back now than He was when Peter wrote theses words. Paul also reminds us of this fact.(Romans 13:11) So if this is so, would it not be prudent to begin to live like this is true? I have heard so many make the statement, "I am not ready for Christ to return just yet!" When when is a good time? As believers, we should anticipate the Savior's return, even desire for Him to return soon! What a pleasure it would be to be captured up with Him. (1 Thessalonians 4:17) In fact, there is a special reward for those who love or cherish the day He returns. (2 Timothy 4:8) I have heard many reasons: I want to be married first. I want to do so many things before I die . . . . I understand the human desires for such dreams and wishes, especially among. Yet what could be better than being called up to heaven and not having to suffer death here on earth. Is it not our goal to be with the Lord? All hopes and dreams should be trumped by the desire to be with our Savior and King! If we adults would live more with Christ in mind, perhaps our children would too! As we strive to love God and others more perfectly each day, we must be sure to focus on our prayer life. Being in communion with God concerning our lives is key to wanting to be with Him in a more intimate way. Serving others also will bring us closer to the heart of the Father. In fact, anything we do to take the focus of of "me" will assist us with wanting God's will for us. Our possessions, our status, our influence here on earth means nothing in God''s Kingdom. It behooves us all to invest in what lasts; God and people! This will make an eternal difference and re-shift our focus! No matter the circumstances here on earth, only what we do for Christ will have any merit!

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