Tuesday, March 6, 2012

God Knows

The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.
(Psalm 145:17-19)

David knew how to praise the Lord. He knew the depths of forgiveness and he also knew the private and personal fellowship one can only have with our God and Savior! He had been through some things and he knew where to turn when everyone else abandoned him.

My pastor always reminds me that if we are doing well, beware of a pitfall. If we are struggling, bright days are ahead. We are always either going through, coming out, or heading into a challenge. That's life! In sports, I have learned to never get too excited or too down. It is best to stay in the middle. We are never as bad as we seem or as good as we think we are.

God can keep us focused and level-headed. We cannot allow people to tear us down or build us up too high. It is God's knowlwedge of us that counts in the end. I realize it is hard at times to see how God views us. This is a challenge for me at times. When people tear at your very heart it hurts. Yet when those very same people make you out to be a super-hero, that too can be damaging! We must stay in close connection with the Lord!

I am so thankful that God knows my heart and still loves me. I am thankful He hears my cries and my pleas for His intimate presence. He saves me from eternal hell, but He also saves me daily from myself and others

God knows . . . and He still loves me!

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