Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Costs of Following Jesus

If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple
. (Luke 14:26-27)

These are some of the most challenging words of Jesus. To be a discipl of Jesus we must hate our very own family? No . . . no . . .no He is not saying that. What Jesus is saying is that to follow Him and truly be dedicated to Kingdom work, God must be enthroned upon our hearts! There can be no other Lord, no other Master. Our love for the Lord will make our feelings for others seem like hatred!

Before following after Jesus Christ, we must count the costs! Are we willing to have to say "No" to others? Are we willing to be criticized for comng up short of human expectations. Are we willing to lose friends, lose sleep, lose the role of most popular?

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
(John 18:36)

Jesus realized this when faced by the soldiers in the Garden. he had counted the costs of giving Himself up for man. He was dedicated to please God however. His disclpes did not understand. But He did . . .

Whatever we face in life. it pails in consideration to eternity. What has God called you to do? DO THAT! . . . . but not for the pleasures of man, but to serve God's purposes!

Saying "Yes"to Jesus is a bold step. It will not always be popular. The world may never understand!

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unity throughout . . . imagine the impact

 Let's face it, God wants us to be one . Jesus was clear in His High-Priest prayer before going to His death:  “I do not pray for these ...