Thursday, March 5, 2009

To Go or to Give…what is your calling for missions?

“At last you are concerned about me again. That makes me very happy. We belong to the Lord. I know that you have been concerned. But you had no chance to show it. I'm not saying that because I need anything. I have learned to be content no matter what happens to me. I know what it's like not to have what I need. I also know what it's like to have more than I need. I have learned the secret of being content no matter what happens. I am content whether I am well fed or hungry. I am content whether I have more than enough or not enough. I can do everything by the power of Christ. He gives me strength. But it was good of you to share in my troubles.” (Philippians 4:10-14 NIrV)

Since God called me into the mission field (well since I accepted His call) I remain amazed at how He uses so many others to sustain me. It’s all through Him, yet He uses so many others. Some I just knew would support the work, yet others who came along were not only surprises, but many times absolute strangers until we met. It is nothing less than astonishing how God supplies and enables when He gives an assignment.

It takes obedience from both sides. I must be obedient to stay faithful to His calling and trust in His word to supply my needs. I must admit, I do have my doubts at times. I am learning to be content in all things, not quite where Paul was! While I know what is like to have plenty at times and then find myself in need of help, I confess it’s easier to have plenty! But I am learning day by day to trust Him more and I believe my faith is growing! One thing I know: I can do all things through Christ when in His will and under His power! Yes I can!

The thing I am most amazed at is the obedience of others to give. Many have simply come up to us and placed a check or cash in our hands while saying “I just want to help out.” Wow! Many of these supporters are struggling themselves…even fellow missionaries. When God conveys His love through His people, it is nothing less than humbling. At times I just look at my wife and say, “My God…” He so loves us! My thanks is my commitment to serve more diligently, with more obedience, with more energy.

We all are called to serve in mission field in some way. How about you? Have you been called to go…or to give? May we all be obedient. It’s better than sacrifice!

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The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10) I know it sounds so very b...