Tuesday, October 28, 2008

10 28 08 It’s A Wonderful Life
“God made us. He created us to belong to Christ Jesus. Now we can do good things. Long ago God prepared them for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10 NIrV)

Committing a life to help others, knowing and trusting God along the way, gives one an indescribable satisfaction in life. IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE! It’s an abundant life. It’s a life worth living each and every day. It’s not the kind of life you’ll hear described in the weekly business magazine, on the daily news, on Wall St, or even Main St. Oh some politicians will talk about it, but few live it. In fact too few churches challenge congregations to commit to this life and less and less believers live by these standards. No wonder our light is dimming…or is it? I see a glimmer of light ready to burst forth.

I have been challenged time and time again by these words: Christ did not save us because we did good things, but now that He saved us from our sin, “now we can do good things”. You see, without Christ, we really have no knowledge what good really is! Good people lie, cheat, speed, curse, and hurt others at times. I have often heard it said, “…but he was such a good person”. That is because good people are sinners. God requires us to be holy, not good. In fact, Jesus wouldn’t allow the young rich ruler to even call Him good (Mark10:18).

In our own flesh, we are selfish and egotistical. We do good things to feel good, to receive acclaim, or to set ourselves apart from the bad guys! But even then, the feeling is fleeting. The minute things get a little tight; I want mine and all that’s mine! Everyone else can fend for themselves! I have given enough.

I thank God for the living examples He has put into my life of people who live a life of dedication to Christ and in servitude to others. At my church, within our ministry, and as we have served on short-term mission trips across the country and in the Caribbean, I have been blessed by the life-sacrifice of many. I see it most in my wife every day. I have been blessed to see a life of selflessness lived out before my eyes.

So in these days of economic doom and gloom, I feel as though our light can be a beacon, a lighthouse if you will, to those seeking answers. As a believer, this is the time to increase giving as we increase our trust in the One who gives us all we could possibly need. (Mark 12:41-44)

As we give, when most seem to be holding on to what they can, what an opportunity for God to shine! Life in Christ… IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE! Now is the perfect opportunity to live what we believe. Now is the time to really walk by faith. When placed between a rock and a hard place, we focus on the Rock, not the hard place! It’s that solid Rock on which we stand that will allow us to pull others from the sinking sand. It’s a wonderful time to be a Christian and yes the Christian life; IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE!

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