Tuesday, October 23, 2007

10 23 07 No Excuse
“Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort provided by love, any fellowship in the Spirit, any affection or mercy, complete my joy and be of the same mind, by having the same love, being united in spirit, and having one purpose.” (Philippians 2”1-2)

Paul leaves the believer with NO EXCUSE! If (since) we are in Christ, we have His comfort and protection. We have His peace (solace). We have His koinonia (fellowship) with God and man in the Spirit. We have His compassion and tenderheartedness. If represents an assumed reality. So since we possess all these things when we become a believer, we have NO EXCUSE not to act like Christ, or have the same mind, be like-minded.

Since we have all these spiritual blessings in Christ, we CAN have the same love, or unity of purpose. We can love the same things. We are able to be of one accord, having a unity of soul and spirit. We can be of one mind, having the same unity of purpose within the Body of Christ, even within our individual families!

Christ, being God, still lived the things He taught. We have NO EXCUSE! We are not to mimic Christ, as mere puppets, but to have the mind-set of Christ, doing things as He would do them and being motivated by the things that He would be motivated by. It’s a mind and a heart for the Father’s will to be done, not my will! Yes we are mere humans, and uniquely individual at that, but with the mind-set of Christ, we can be one mind, one love, one spirit, and one purpose: ONE BODY!!!

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Good bye '25