Friday, August 17, 2007

08 17 07 A Week of Wandering

“Now, O Lord our God, rescue us from his power, so that all the kingdoms of the earth will know that you, Lord, are the only God.” (2 Kings 19:19)

Had A WEEK OF WANDERING? Wandering form day to day; waking up, going to work, gong home, eating dinner, watching TV, going to sleep and doing it all over again for four more days……

Oh yes, we throw in a little devotion here and there, a Bible study, a prayer or two, but we still wander as we battle the daily grind: the challenges of relationships, the financial planning or lack thereof, housework, car repairs, yard work, oh did I mention the challengers of relationships?

How do we get through the week without wandering off the path God has set forth for us? How can we possibly keep from wandering from our relationship with Father God, our DADDY? How can we keep from being tossed back and forth by every strong wind or sudden crashing wave?

First we expect the enemy to attack, because he will, especially as we become more and more committed to the Savior. Secondly, we must arm ourselves, not just with part of His armor, but all of it, the Word, the faith and the posse of support! Oh yes we need a brother or sister (or a few) who are born for adversity. We need a friend who sticks closer than a bother, a physical Jesus’ with skin on! So when we find ourselves wandering, we can do more than pray, more than cry, more than wander…..we can share and be encouraged right in the middle of the feeling of being lost and get back on track, back on the way we should go! We do find ourselves wandering at times; a little lost, a little confused, but let’s not get too deep in the woods. When we begin to lose sight of home and the light is dimming, let’s remember the One who leads us in battle, Jehovah Nissi, and the ones He has placed in our path to help us bear our burdens.

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