Friday, June 29, 2007

06 29 07 They Become a New Family

“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and unites with his wife,
and they become a new family.”
(Genesis 2:24 NET)

Marriage: a unique family unit instituted by God involving one man and one woman in a well-defined covenant relationship of love, sacrifice, commitment, loyalty, protection, provision, pledged by solemn oath. It is lived from the heart and that love is reflected outwardly as we live out the covenant. Husband and wife become a new family, unique and complete, even before the children come along! I realize that in the imperfect and lust-filled world we live in, we all have had a part in messing up the perfect plan of God. Without digressing too much here, let me clarify one item: husband and wife are still the primary relationship in a family! It’s His grace that allows us to function within His imperfect will. That’s another topic however!

In Genesis we read that a man leaves his father and mother. Sometimes that’s the hardest part is getting a man to physically and emotionally leave, especially his momma! Too many men today are looking for a new momma, not a wife and family partner! A real man unites or cleaves to his wife in marriage. (“dabaq” in Hebrew; joined together, or stuck, as in concrete!)

“....... joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This mystery is great---
but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the Church.”
(Ephesians 5:31-32 NET)

Paul re-emphasizes this relationship in Ephesians saying a husband is joined to his wife (“proskollao” in Greek or glued together). Remember the crazy glue commercial some years back? It would glue flesh together if you weren’t careful (I did it more than once). Nothing (no one) should separate, or come between a husband / wife relationship! When it happens, it tears at the flesh, even the hearts of the family.

Paul goes further to talk about a mystery. While the covenant of marriage can be mysterious at times, Paul is relating marriage to our relationship with Christ as a body of believers. We are His bride and we are to be one with Him, leaving the world and cleaving to Him like glue, joining with Christ. Our relationship with Him and each other should show the world His redemptive and unconditional love toward us. May our marriages, our families, reflect the Lord’s relationship with us. Don’t stand for lies and excuses. Where sin abounds, let’s show the truth with grace. God’s love covers a multitude of sin, yet we all must be willing to do our part in the covenant. We need to be willing to repent, obediently follow after Him, and turn from our pasts! We also must be willing to help and encourage one another along the way!!!!!!

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unity throughout . . . imagine the impact

 Let's face it, God wants us to be one . Jesus was clear in His High-Priest prayer before going to His death:  “I do not pray for these ...