Tuesday, May 29, 2007

05 29 07 My Memorial

“…keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.” (NET)

As we celebrated another Memorial Day yesterday (May 28) I could not help but think of my greatest memorial, that which Christ did for me and every other sinner willing to accept Him, some 2,000 years ago.

As we remember friends, families, and even strangers who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom both here in the U.S. and throughout the world, I must remember the example was set by our Savior! The reason why we have freedom today and still fight for others to have freedom is because we are still a Christian nation (as of today!) and as Christ instructed us to lay down our lives and share our wealth (1 John 3:16-17) we indeed defend the rights of others, even fellow believers, around the world!

Without delving into the political arena, we must continue to do today what we’ve done throughout our short history as a nation: defend those whose freedoms are being denied, even their freedom to worship our God and Savior! If thousands have died to protect us (even on foreign soils), who are we to say we no longer have to help our neighbor?

It’s my prayer that my memorial will always be the cross and that I will never forget the sacrifice my Savior made for me. Anything I do in His name will have eternal value, whether it’s sacrificing for my wife and children, feeding the poor, helping a child, comforting one who is hurting, dying so a stranger could live, or leading someone to Christ.

Though I have done nothing memorial in my life to demand acclaim or applause, I applaud those of you who have! THANK YOU. Let’s all however, give the Lord His due respect and adoration, for His memorial, the cross! If we are careful to make sure all our work, all our motivation, all our plans point to the cross; we’ll be well on our way. All the medals, all the trophies, all the awards are really just dust collectors in the end; only what we do for Him will last!

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unity throughout . . . imagine the impact

 Let's face it, God wants us to be one . Jesus was clear in His High-Priest prayer before going to His death:  “I do not pray for these ...