Monday, April 30, 2007

04 30 07 Just to be with Him!

“But a time is coming---and now is here---when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such people to be His worshippers---the people who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23-24)

We read of the Samaritan woman receiving a surprise visit from the Savior, the Messiah, whom all were looking for to rescue the people. Perhaps she is seeking relief from her lifestyle, freedom from reproach and shame, a new start in a life of failures and disappointments. We can see clearly that the one thing the Lord requires of us is true worship; no false pretenses or flattery. I believe it’s more than Sunday worship the Savior is referring to here. I believe Jesus is talking about our life in general. Are we true believers or are we caught up in the hoopla of it all; the ceremony, the prosperity promises, the blessed and highly favored lifestyle. Are we in love with the Lord and do we live in His truth day by day, for today’s Samaritan, the hurt and rejected, to see?

“‘I know the Messiah is coming’---‘I, the One speaking to you, am He.’” (John 4:25-26)

Oh, once the woman realized whom she was speaking with, she ran to tell everyone else. She seems to have been relieved that despite all her shortcomings and failures, she was accepted for who she was by God Himself. She was free to worship, free to live, free from all ridicule and labels. She not only heard the truth, but saw and experienced Him personally! Wow, what freedom! No one could tell her anything! She knew!!!

Do we experience that freedom today? Do we allow ourselves to truly worship the Savior, whom we all as believers, have experienced personally deep with the recesses of our hearts. Or have we? Perhaps we’re caught up in false doctrines of prosperity, prophecy, and entitlement. We’re looking for our blessing when it’s right within our grasp! We’re awaiting a fresh word from God when all we need to know is already written down! We want to tell someone else, yet don’t know for ourselves. We want we can’t have and are in danger of compromising what is rightfully ours as God’s child!

Beware of false teachers! They are perhaps more relevant now than in the first century. They are truly wolves in sheep’s clothing and they are creeping within the Body! Prophecy? I can’t be so caught up in what God wants me to tell others when I still have a lot of growing to do myself. Prosperity? For me the future of a home in heaven is promise enough---abundant life with the King of kings! That brings a peace money can’t buy. Entitlement? What God allows for me is going to have to be enough; I don’t deserve a thing!

Before we want to teach others, judge others, or tell others, we must first know Him so deeply that we are one with Him personally; in our Spirit and in His truth. I’m working on this one thing at this time: to be satisfied just to be with Him!

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