Friday, December 12, 2008

12 12 08 Got a Snickers?

“I wait for your deliverance, O Lord.” (Genesis 49:18 NET)

A popular commercial tells us to have a particular candy bar as we wait

Jacob said it a little differently as he anticipated problems for Gad and Dan: wait on the Lord. Jeremiah said it is good to wait patiently on the Lord, even in the worst of trials (Lamentations 3:26). Isaiah pledged to wait patiently (Isaiah 8:17), even though the Lord had turned His back to His people. His promises would come to fruition. Paul says it this way in Romans 8:25:

“We hope for what we don't have yet. So we are patient as we wait for it.” (NIrV)

We read Paul encouraging believers to wait patiently, enduring the present hardships knowing God has our best interest in mind. We have a hope anchored in the promises of God. Tough times are meant to test our faith as precious metals are tested in the fire. As we endure, we are refined and sharpened for the work of Christ. We are more useful in His hands and others can more readily see God at work.

These trying times need a witness to the goodness of God. His mercy is all around us. We just have to seek Him out, wait patiently, and trust Him at His word. It may not happen today, or even tomorrow, but He will make good on His promises. Our struggles may indeed be for future generations. Our faith may just cause others to come to faith in Christ. That in itself is enough: that others see the Father at work in us and come to know Him!

So like the prophets of old, we wait patiently on the Lord. Like Paul, imprisoned, shipwrecked, and abandoned at times, we wait patiently for the Lord. Some of the biggest blessings take time to unravel. We have all eternity to see God do His work…let’s be patient.

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4-24-24 . . . .backward and forward . . . today is today no matter how we write it.

Today is 4-24-24. No matter if we write it forward or backward, it is still 4-24-24. This reminds me of my scripture today . . . Look at God...