Monday, April 7, 2008

04 07 08 God-Appointed

“Young men, follow the lead of those who are older. All of you, put on a spirit that is free of pride toward each other as if it were your clothes. Scripture says, ‘God opposes those who are proud. But he gives grace to those who are not’. "
(1 Peter 5:5 NIrV)

Everyone wants to be respected. Everyone wants to feel needed, important, and worth something to someone. It’s human nature, and in this day and age, people have come to expect to be rewarded, applauded and promoted. But it should not be this way among the called out people of God! There should be respect for everyone, but especially toward leadership: GOD-APPOINTED leadership! The leaders of our church should be supported, respected, encouraged, prayed for, and cared for. There is no excuse for backbiting, rumors, and gossip in the church, but when it involves our leaders, it is beyond disrespectful…it’s a dishonor to God Himself. If we disrespect those GOD APPOINTED, we directly disrespect God! At least that’s my opinion, for all it’s worth.

“He laughs at proud people who make fun of others.
But he gives grace to those who are not proud.”
(Proverbs 3:34 NIrV))

Solomon said it long before the church was established. Pride is the cause of our jealousy, personal attacks, and ridicule. It does not please our heavenly Father at all. He appoints leaders over us and we are to submit to them as they follow Christ. We do it to honor the Lord, but the man of God deserves honor and respect as well. While we give out time, talents, and finances to the church, we are supporting the work: but most importantly, we’re honoring God with our sacrifice of self and our possessions. When we have Godly leaders in position in our churches, it is even more important to support them and the work. Too many dedicated men of God have left the position, because of burn-out, lack of support, intense criticism, and even depression. What a price we, as individuals and as a church body, will have to pay for not honoring the positions of leadership that have been placed among us and not honoring the leaders as well!

“But he gives greater grace. Therefore it says,
‘God opposes the proud, but he gives grace to the humble’.”
(James 4:6 NET)

James reiterates the message here as well. It’s not a bad thing to desire to be a leader and to lead within the church. However, it’s God’s will and His timing. So many have placed themselves in positions they need not be in. They are qualified by neither man’s standards nor God’s. They have not prepared themselves academically or scripturally. Many motivational speakers call themselves pastors and preachers, yet they aren’t teaching anything but positive thinking motivational techniques.

If we desire leadership positions in God’s schemes of things, we must first be called by God, and then equipped by God. We must be opened to the Spirit’s leading. We must be humbled the Spirit as well and be willing to serve anywhere He places us… and we serve until He puts us somewhere else! We serve until God calls us home. We serve as living sacrifices, not glorified icons. Let GOD APPOINT us. Let God humble us. Let God exalt us…in His due time.

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Yes vs No . . . Do not cheat God and family!

But my eyes are fixed on You, Sovereign Lord; in You, I take refuge—do not give me over to death. Keep me safe from the traps set by evil...