Friday, November 2, 2007

11 02 07 One Another’s IV Not Just a Band-Aid

“Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

Paul had just finished instructing the church in Galatia how to restore one who is in sin. Mending the soul comes from the Greek word “katartizo” is a surgical term referring to the setting of a bone or even mending a fishing net back to workable condition. It’s what we believers who are living by the Spirit of God need to do for those who have been overtaken and fallen to sin. Paul goes on to say we need to “carry one another’s burdens”, which by the way fulfills the things Christ set out to teach each and every of His followers. Whether that burden (an overload if you will), is sin, sickness, family troubles, or the simple challenges of life, we are to come alongside and help bear the load as needed.

What is needed is NOT JUST A BAND-AID, but healing and restoration. We realize that when we are cut deeply, much more is needed than a band-aid to stop the bleeding. At times we need to carry our friend to seek professional help. Other times we need to spend time with them and dress the wound, apply antibiotics, and maybe even come back periodically and clean and redress the wound. Healing is a process that does not take place overnight and being restored to full health may take weeks, months, even years.

Would we leave an abandoned child bleeding in the streets or our own precious son or daughter writhing in pain? Why then would we allow an unbelieving friend to suffer in sin or a fellow child of God to languish in the embarrassment of a divorce, the hurt of a prodigal, or the challenges of making financial ends meet? We are quick to apply band-aids, but will we invest time, personal care, and consistent financial aid? Jesus told us to always do a little more……more than the world would do. Walk alongside a friend two miles instead of one, so what if we may get a little tired and lose some sleep. Give our lunch away, we’ll eat tomorrow. Sacrifice time, we have all eternity to look forward to anyway! Perfect religion, the kind Jesus and His brother James spoke about, was caring for the orphans, widows, and the like. In our relationship with Christ, we need to do more than JUST A BAND-AID; invest in the healing process!

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Reassurance . . . Encouragement

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